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© Narine Karamyan - ***
1 people likes this.
Posted: 15 March 2006, 11:43
"gde-to pod nogami da nad golovami lish' zemlya i nebo..."
Comments (13):
Очень интересная работа!Окно жизни!
Философская картина!!
15 March 2006, 12:07
Aram Shahinyan
да, да, да, конечно, ну раз уж Вы говорите, значит так и есть. филоософская, определенно. пахнет Кантом.
15 March 2006, 12:15
Narine Karamyan
(1) Vard [VRD]: spasibo, v filosofii my sovpadaem))
(2) Aram Shahinyan [aramx]: nachalo xoroshee, uje disput:)))
15 March 2006, 12:24
(1) Vard [VRD]: o cho takoe okno zhizni? ya cho to ne vrubayus'?
15 March 2006, 15:16
p.s. isk nkar@ chka... aveli lav er amboghjovin sev dardznel u anvanel chorni kvadrat malevicha.
15 March 2006, 15:18
(2) Aram Shahinyan [aramx]:
(4) Ani [aniii]:
Пустата и жизнь
хаос и канон,
Про чер ную чер ную кошку в комнате слишали?

По ту сторону мы,... (мы это не только мы)
у окна стоите вы.... (вы это не только вы)
15 March 2006, 16:07
Aram Shahinyan
нет, не слишали, но слышали.
15 March 2006, 16:21
(6) Vard [VRD]: chhamozecir....
(7) Aram Shahinyan [aramx]: ekeq chmanrananq ;)
15 March 2006, 18:32
Narine Karamyan
(2) Aram Shahinyan [aramx]: da, da, da, konechno, bytie opredelyaet soznanie...s etim ne posporish'.
16 March 2006, 01:42
Narine Karamyan
(5) Ani [aniii]: Malevichy arden da arela, hetevabar, es arden chem karox anel. (side-comment: have you seen his works in reality? they're increadible - ochen' neodnoznachno, i trudno otorvatsya - sovetuyu posmotret')
po povodu konceptualizacii: we all send messages by the way we are, with what we surround ourselves, what create, what'd like to share with the rest. you do that too, whether you want it or not. that's obvious in your photos, and I get messages from them. another thing is if they're acceptable for me. I value in you works: desire to experiment, young age allowing you to be strict/sharp in expression/opinion. I don't like: narcissism, mazochism, grey depressed conditions, artificial world (plastic love), suffering...though we all suffer. I also was puzzled by the seria of "hyde-and-sick" veriations: what did you want to say? but I still think each has a right for expression, hence, I don't bump on you my negative perception by not commenting your photos. compart might be closer to your generation, but it's still "computer art", whereas I believe there are much more colors in this world besides brown-nail-enamel,depression and pain, and in particular, looking at the sky often is always useful. to understand where we are from, what we do, where we go. worldview differs from person to person, another view is not neccessarily wrong if it differs. no hurt, OK? - this wasn't my intension, I just wanted to say what I said. and thank you for the comment, it's always useful to have another opinion.
16 March 2006, 02:16
Narine Karamyan
Mojuba - thanks indeed!
30 March 2006, 11:52
krasiwo chisto esteticheski. neobychno, khotia i prosto. so wkusom.
14 May 2006, 22:45
Narine Karamyan
(13) Raz Dwa [raz2tri]: rada.
22 May 2006, 08:28
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